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calendar_today August 16, 2020 - September 6, 2020

Fight the Drift

As Christians, we are called to hold a certain worldview. A worldview that is not of our own, but one that is God-centered. But, sometimes, we tend to drift from that view to more a secular one and things such as doubt, worry, shame, and fear creep in. We might fall into the trap of focusing on what’s temporary rather than focusing on the truths of the Gospel.

What would it look like if we fought the drift and started focusing on what’s most important: A Godly worldview and Jesus? Instead of worry, shame, fear, and doubt, our hearts could be filled with powerful and sacred signs when we seek the presence and guidance of God.

Clinging to a Christian world view in an ever changing secular world isn’t easy, but standing firm in the name of Christ is always worth fighting this drift. Instead of winning people to a cause or a candidate, we could start winning people for Christ.

Sermons: 4

Fight the Drift: What is your world view?

calendar_today September 6, 2020
person Scott Stevens
view_list Fight the Drift
sell Church Community Entire Bible God Jesus Pittsburgh

Fight the Drift: Righting the Ship

calendar_today August 30, 2020
person Paul Hunter
view_list Fight the Drift
sell Church Online Community

Fight the Drift: He Will Rescue You

calendar_today August 23, 2020
person Billy Bob White
view_list Fight the Drift
sell Community

Fight the Drift

calendar_today August 16, 2020
person Dave D'Angelo
view_list Fight the Drift
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