

Adult being water baptized

About Baptism

When we give our life to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it calls for a celebration! Modeled by Jesus Himself (Matthew 3:13-17), baptism is about life transformation and celebrating victory over death. It is not a way to earn salvation. We believe all who give their lives to Christ are called to be baptized as an act of obedience and a symbol of a life transformed (Matthew 28:18). While there's nothing magical in the physical act of being dunked under water, we believe the symbol and sign of this act is a powerful reminder to us all that through Christ, our old life has died and our new life in Jesus has begun (2 Corinthians 5:17).

What Does Baptism Represent?

The tub = the tomb

The dunk under the water represents Jesus' descent into the tomb. We fully immerse believers under the water because Jesus paid the full price of humanity's sin and death for us when He died on the cross. When we declare we are a Christian, we join Christ in His death in order to gain life (Galatians 2:20).

The rise = the resurrection

The rise from the water represents Jesus' rise from the grace and victory over death! Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave after three days so that we might come to life through His body and blood shed for us. We rise from death into a new life by faith through grace (Romans 6:4).

Why Should I Get Baptized?

  1. Jesus Himself was baptized. As a church, we strive to live like Jesus did (Mark 1:9-11).

  2. Baptism serves as a mile marker in your faith journey, a defining moment to look back on. Baptism also encourages your community of fellow believers! The Bible is serious about the power of our testimonies (Revelation 12:11).

  3. Scripture commands us to go and make disciples by baptizing them (Matthew 28:19).

Student being water baptized
Rooted Fall 2022 Baptism

Who Should Get Baptized?

At North Way, we practice what is referred to as a “believer’s baptism.” Any believer who confesses that Jesus is Lord of their life and feels led by the Holy Spirit to make an outward expression of their inner commitment should be baptized. If you are a parent committed to raising your child to know Jesus, you can learn more about child dedication here.

Exploring Baptism

Curious about baptism and want to learn more? Two great starting point passages in Scripture on baptism are Romans 6:1-11 and Acts 8:25-40. For more detail on what we believe about baptism, check out this short message by Lead Pastor Dave D'Angelo.

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